Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message



Marching with Hope and Trust

"The theme for the current academic year is 'Marching with hope and trust'.

Excellence in action can encourage each one of us in our trials and troubles of everyday life, to do our best and trust in God's encouraging grace and strength. We often underestimate ourselves and sometimes even think we are worthless. But we can make a difference with our own life and better the world at large. There is an oft-repeated motto which says: "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness!" If you are convinced of this motto for your life you can make a difference in the world you live in; then and then only will positive result and constructive change occur in your life, however big or small.A change in oneself and in the world becomes a real possibility for a person who detects a need, who decides to do something about it, sets a reachable goal and perseveres until the goal is met. Have you ever considered that most great achievements, throughout the course of history, began with one individual's inspiration, an idea or a desire to change a negative situation for the better! What transforms our thoughts into concrete achievement is our determination, perseverance and patience; with trust and faith in oneself, everything is possible. You will see Excellence in Action.Personal prayer is needed to achieve excellence in action.

As you begin this new academic year excellence in action in your personal lives and selfless service of others will be your motto for your life from today! May the good Lord continue to be gracious to you and enable you to achieve excellence in action."
May God bless you!